
User Interface

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Main GrandBackup Window

1. The GrandBackup menu contains five sections - Task, View, Options, Tools and Help. With the help of the menus you can easily access any components of the program.

2. The most common commands can be found on the GrandBackup main toolbar.

3. Use the Task Group List to organize Tasks by category in task groups or to launch all the Tasks in a group simultaneously.

4. A Task List is a catalog of your tasks. Note that the list contains the tasks of the currently selected group (or all of your tasks if the uppermost group ôAll Tasksö is selected).

5. Activity Log is a detailed list of the selected Task's actions.

6. Program Tips - helpful advice on how to use the program.

7. The Status Bar provides additional information while using GrandBackup.

See also:
      Quick Start
      Task Properties

GrandBackup is a product of Regall LLC dba
Copyright ⌐ 1996-2007 Regall LLC dba All rights reserved.